Thursday, August 11, 2022

Can laws fix it anyway, I don't know

 Well everyone, time for a quick mad blog topic, which is about amazon delaying payments.  Lilke you pay but the money doesn’t leave your account.  I don’t know their intent, but I think what it does is create a false debt for every customer, or even a real debt, as if you bought their items on credit.  When really you are just trying to buy like normal.  It is a tool of slavery, and while I think that is a goal of a lot of the tech companies, it has actually already affected our country for many years through credit card debt and other debts.  I myself am in a boat now where I would consider buying myself some more time through debt.  Anyway, that is all. No need for a rant on a blog that hasn’t been as ruined as some of my other blogs.  Have a nice day. Probably things like this will be fixed once our country splits up.  Who gets amazon?  Maybe there will be normal stores again in one of the countries.

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Can you find what's wrong with this receipt?

 Ok, look closely, do you see what it is?  The gift card I "bought" was "not approved," but the charge still says $100.36.  So I paid for an 80 dollar gift card but there is no money on it.  I am waiting a couple of days to see what happens with my account, but I did try to use the gift card later the same day and it sure enough did not work.  But my overdraft protection on my credit line worked and listed the exact charge.  I was buying a gift card with my credit line so I would not get individual overdraft charges for groceries.

This is simply, a crime, and an outrage that their cashiering system can even let something like that go through.  This is actually the second incident like this with this company, and I do think I might get a lawyer this time.  It is too important for people to be able to fairly buy groceries through an honest system.  So I actually would take the trouble to fight this.  Today I called the cops about it because the 80 dollars is gone yet I have no value on the gift card and the store did not correct the problem.  

Would anyone like to call me a Karen about this? To say I should not be mad and they have to protect themselves from scammers?  They are the scammers in this scenario, and if people allow these kinds of transactions to happen then they can expect to be fighting like animals over blocked hills of rice and porridge for the next hundred years until honest people walk the planet again.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Better Christian Nationalism than Anti-Christian Nationalism

Most Christians do know better than to just choose a so-called theocracy, or worse, a hypocrite-ocracy. It is actually a small percentage that think they should force everyone to act like they have the same religion.  However, a lot of people are reacting to what is absolutely a similar foisting of ideological lifestyle aggression onto people who should be free and happy.  I don’t see how anyone can really not see how the democrats have their own morality and self-righteousness warping into a control freak power grab. I don’t know how things will go towards resolving it. I kind of do think it is too late for peaceful renewal of the organically free and loyal society.  But maybe good things will still happen from all the millions of people who know better than how they are represented in the media and government chambers and chamber pots and pot head dens and cells.

Sunday, July 17, 2022

What is behind people’s weakness

So I have been doing better blogging with fewer complaint mistakes, but here is a weaker post to just wonder something out loud in case it is a problem.  I noticed that gas prices were low during Trump’s presidency, high during Obama’s presidency, and horribly outrageous during Biden’s presidency.  And I am just wondering if the oil companies are “rigging” that on purpose for political reasons, in a similar way as facebook ruins people’s social lives for political reasons.  Like if it is kind of an industry display of power to get their way.  I do not know.  I truly don’t.  I know there are a lot of factors about energy production that I don’t understand.  But I think profit gouging is something that happens very often without much intervention, and this pattern makes me suspect some things could be on purpose.  I am disgusted with Biden but this type of fighting in both cases, from power hungry oil people and from greasy social media people, is a shameful embarrassment that probably shouldn’t be legally possible.

Compromising on ethics but not on anything else…

Ask yourself, why is it religious liberty and social justice, instead of liberty and justice?  And could the phrase “for all” believably be added to either concept? It is interesting to ponder, and to think that real solutions might satisfy both interests. My hunch is that at this point, we should just go with both things and try to provide work and laws that serve both those causes. This also suggests a philosophical component where too many people have fallen for the idea that our only option is to negotiate with different groups who all have supposedly legitimate but conflicting interests. Maybe that is not how it works.  It could be that until there is true faith that decisions can fairly benefit all people, then no real peace and progress will take place in our country or anywhere else. Can’t everyone now say “I told you so” about at least some things, so people can agree to move on with what surely must be an obvious path forward.

Where is the leadership?

Republicans who bully people like Maxine Waters. I feel sorry for you.  Democrats who aren’t satisfied with people like Susan Collins and Murkowski.  I feel sorry for you.  Black people who don’t stand up for your white friends who aren’t really that racist. Actually, I do kind of get it. Everyone does, and that is why the democra-tards are able to roll through such absurdities of strife and murder before everyone’s eyes. But I still wonder when people will sufficiently question why they have to vote for abortion extremism and legalizing armed robbery to have any minority representation at all? Perhaps the conservatives are the ones with the higher view of those who they seem to vote against, and actually do, unfortunately.


So this mad blog post is about something that maybe I don’t need to say.  I think really, people have watched it all happen and anything that I tried to keep up with is now just reality because the bad people won.  But it is an observation about facebook, and I do think it is better for some people to say it than to not say it.  In the past, when a resource everyone relied on so much became an almost or absolute necessity of people’s lives, it would often be instituted as a utility, such as electric and phone companies. Facebook itself morphed and added to its role like that, so some of its expansion is from the company trying to meet needs.  But some of it is most obviously from trying to meet “greeds.” And we don’t have a government that is functional enough to regulate social media, and we also have a public that decided to be patient with something so powerful functioning like a utility but not having accountability.  No one insisted on much regulation, but how have we been repaid for our loyalty and cooperation? By total betrayal that includes many of our actual friends and acquaintances. In a way, what has happened is a valuable demonstration of extreme free market potential, and as a libertarian, I somewhat am a fan of that process.  However, I do see some drawbacks where just like with other parts of our country’s systems, some people end up getting the worst of both worlds- capitalism and government socialism.  In other words, facebook has pretty obviously chosen a political party to support, and has enhanced its users’ efforts to harass and silence the other “side.” And the strategy of harassment and silencing and starvation is conspicuously similar to the culture wars from the past 40 years.  Only now, a social utility which has a public role that also has eaten up people’s actual friendships from both church, school, and work contacts, is actively shutting down not just normal life but the social component of people’s lives.  Would I not complain if I was one of the people boosted?  Maybe I would gloat or tell everyone it’s their problem.  Except the algorithms don’t allow for normal announcements and friendship as they once did, and they do allow for constant ads to funnel money to already billionaires based on my friendship. And soon Zuckerberg will pay the influencers who are mocking people from my religion and, hmmmm… geographical background.  There are already onslaughts of underwear ads if I post something religious.  And the social media up and ups will gladly tell you that is the point.  

I can go on, but people are already aware of this.  Are we going to take it?  How facebook hides its true staff behind insulting publicity mascots featured in meta ads letting us know that Zuckerberg has moved on to other goals? What if the electric company shut off half the power for one side of the political disagreements?  In a way, it seems that facebook is different from that, but in another way, it is much, much worse, because it is our actual church and school contacts, many of which have been glad to harass their friends literally to death. That is all I will say.  No one really has to say it, because it is all recorded. People’s motives are all too apparent. Their delusions of historical heroism, and the finale of safety threats to anyone who merely voted according to their pro life beliefs, much less actual government leaders who attained their role through the democratic process that too many people actually worshipped and idolicized to the point of the clogged process we now have. What will happen to deliver us from this oppression?  Probably a pandemic and war, and then the country breaks up in an immature, bratty admission that maybe it already should have two hundred years ago when aggressives tried their tricks before.

Saturday, June 4, 2022

a rather extreme view itself

 Ok everyone, here is another blog post for the mad blog which is more reflective and less mad this time.  And it has to do with political “extremism” often being seen as a key problem or even the key problem on either "side," when really it’s not always a difference in degree and devotion behind the most damaging people. Those who tear up society shouldn’t be automatically seen as just hyper-motivated versions of normal people, or over-involved ideology representatives who somehow got carried away with what would have been a good cause. Truly detrimental views and actions often have a totally different orientation towards some kind of wrong living.  Problem people who political campaigners want to associate with their opponents have a variety of motives and bad belief systems.  This is one of the reasons why it’s not working out for people to reduce everything to a dual political party fight in the first place, which millions have in fact fallen for.  But even those who cast a vote of any kind don’t necessarily subscribe and oppose in the patterns that so many activists and politicians would want to make it seem. So how much more so are the crazy criminals not just some kind of highly concentrated form of legitimate mainstream directions. There is such thing as extremism, there is such thing as going off the deep end, but I am tired of people saying that bad people are just me but worse, or me, but “more so.”  Or me, but more progressed along the exact path I am on, which is doing the best I can like most other people. Do people really want everything to be about politics? To be decided by one check mark on a piece of paper every four years?  The people who want that must not have any other deeds to their name. I feel sorry for them and for everyone who has to live in the same country as them. 

Friday, May 27, 2022

The guns are pointed at the wrong people

 I’m a little late with this and truly sorry about that, but I have some thoughts about how AR -15s are in fact way past what is appropriate for civilian availability and should certainly not be given to people who have already proven themselves as not even being “civil.” But also in terms of what is civil and what is war, there is something else I have to add to the gun debate which is that I think for all the shootings there are at least that many people who should have been shot instead. The death penalty could and should also be part of this discussion of mass shootings, as well as the fact that 30 thousand dollars a year gets spent on facilitating jail for murderers who took innocent lives and don’t deserve to live. That is also part of a picture where disabled people are given a third of minimum wage to live on when instead they should have been included in the work force, which is also widely underpaid. All of these problems are related to valuing and not valuing life, which should generally be protected “to the death.”  Some people like to say, “Who are we to choose who can live” when they pretend to be moral and above the death penalty instead of beneath it.  But actually, for centuries, people have quite often been moral enough to make that call, and they will do so again if and when there is war because of these unresolved problems. The immorality and amorality and cowardice of those who do not stand up to crime is absolutely part of this same problem, and don’t think that is not a major factor in why up to half the country refuses to give up access to what are clearly very dangerous and very modern weapons meant for legitimate military protection.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Media Outlets

 Ok everyone here is another mad blog topic which has to do with publishing.  And that is the transformation of the meaning of “platform” in recent years.  I could be wrong but I think that “platform” used to refer more to a perspective and background of an author, sometimes even including their story communicated in their work itself.  Now, in some circles, the term is used almost interchangeably with “following,” referring to contacts on facebook or twitter, etc.  I agree that some overlap makes sense and is simply a fact, but mostly I think this conflation reflects slight cheating from the publishing industry, who wants it to go unnoticed that the author has to supply their own publicity now, as well as an aggression from other influencers who see their political and social advantage and want to equate the author’s worth and meaning with popularity. 


This leap of reference and the expectation that everyone will go along with it and either won’t notice the difference, won’t acknowledge the change, or just never knew until they were taught this new view of things, has implications that I think could go beyond the impact of books and communication, on into philosophical and religious grounding within this culture and others. It’s just a step in a selling-out process, and could be more dangerous than people realize when truth is up for a vote and majority mob rule has the last word. And that itself is the deception, because it’s not even a matter of having the last word, but a claim that the popularity is the word itself.  Go ahead and stretch that interpretation all the way to people thinking they’re God. It’s not far from the tragedy of a whole industry and profession agreeing on that shortcut together. People can say, oh, selling out, like how your books haven’t sold out so you’re complaining. Maybe, but I don’t know who can read them anyway if people are just going to change the definitions of words and exchange prophets for profits.

Monday, April 4, 2022

The Powers that Were

 Well everyone, this is not really a whole blog post but just a sketch for a post. It has to do with powers that be.  And just that I remember as a kid sometimes my dad or someone would point out something interesting about a product, or a store, or the way things were done, and say an explanation like “they do that because of such and such.” They have the label on the side so you won’t get mixed up with whatever.” The railing is like this because such and such.  And a lot of times it would be something logical and protective.  Like plastic bags being labeled for safety. Then, in the late nineties, someone said something like, “at Bilo they pump a bread smell into the air so people will buy more.” And this was different than some kind of strategy to help people. It was about the cash.  And I guess a lot of stuff was always about the cash, but I think that things have gotten even worse now, where it’s not even about the cash. It is about power, also because of cash, but also just for the power.  Products being unsafe, ingredients not being labeled, power plays, cash register lines with not enough cashiers, music that is too loud, music that is inappropriate, credit card devices that threaten refusal to serve, etc.  Honestly I don’t have great examples for any of it.  That is why I say it is not even a whole blog post, much less an article.  But I know I am right.  And a lot of the people who won’t acknowledge this decline (get it, declined, like your credit card when you don’t match a profile) anyway, I am saying a lot of people who are in denial think they are the ones who are going to be at an advantage as people set up these bad systems, but I think everyone is going to suffer.  Even the ones getting the profit will not have the joy of living in a fair society.  It won’t benefit them either in the long run.  It’s just something I noticed, something that almost seems the same and is probably used to criticize some people who suggest that there has been loss as well as gain in recent decades.  But it is a sign for the logical reasons for things to not be in our favor anymore, in this evil “our.”

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Whose warning is this

 I had to discontinue my 7 dollar a day ad from facebook. I can’t afford it.  And I got a notice from them saying that I needed to update the ad and change the demographic target.  It was phrased as if I had been racist and made some kind of civil rights violation for having an audience description at all.  And I chose the 18-65 age range but about 80 percent of my ads went to 50-60 year olds, because that is what market facebook found most convenient for themselves, and not what I had explicitly chosen. This is after being censored for another post that was also completely innocent but probably got reported by a liberal social work school alum because I write about religion on my blogs. I feel oppression from Amazon, too, who charges me for my purchases way after I order things, unlike normal, as a power play, and who makes it seem like I can chose the amazon day option to receive more consolidated packages but then deliberately divides the orders to show who’s in charge.  And then divides the total, too, so the charges on my account are unrecognizable.  They are leveraging their system so they answer to no one, and they are preparing to shut out some American citizens from having access to basic goods and services.  People who don’t register as democrats will be treated as nazis, similar to the misinformation strategy Russia is using in their horrible war.  To watch the Pagans chase after things pagans chase after is educational, but also sad.  Even with a low, oppressed status, I feel a genuine pity because I know that within even a blink these people will be once again nothing in God’s sight, subject to the true systems of justice from heaven. And some will be broken hearted but eventually saved, and others will go to hell right before our eyes, with no one disagreeing. 

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Citizenship, Allegiance, Martial Law

We will probably need soldiers on our streets during this war.  It might have been a good idea already, but Americans have a knee-jerk opposition to “martial law.” It is good to be wary of it, but we can probably expect some attacks to our own people’s safety, and our culture already has a disturbing problem with rape and child abuse.

So what is another component that needs to be okay in these conditions?  I would say citizenship, or a “common law citizenship” is a priority, and that is another concept that people have been slow to understand and act on.  Allegiance is the main component for citizenship.  And if that is secure, you can be less controlling about things like language and history knowledge. This should already have been understood and resolved. As ignorant and racist as republicans have been, the democrats also failed to offer immigrants fast citizenship.  They offered them harbor, at great risk to our whole nation, and I have to say I think that wasn’t that bad of a thing since we knew it was mostly hungry Mexicans.  But they also did not succeed in providing citizenship after twelve years to get it done. Whose stubbornness was the problem? A lot of peoples. And now a thousand immigrants a day cross the border in war time.


Citizenship should be easy to attain, for all refugees, and violence and crime should be met with swift and final law enforcement.  It’s not a time to be soft on murder and rape.  We should require allegiance, let people be citizens, and kill the rapists and murderers.  If people attack soldiers on the street, they are not on our side.  Probably the jails will need to be emptied of potheads.  Is this the glorious drug war victory you guys were looking for? I hope you are happy with your choice for the decay that weakens us as a nation during world war.


Allegiance and safety.  Think about it.  And is it peace that is the goal, or defeat of the bad guys?  I think it is defeat that is needed. That is something that people used to not have to be taught by gruesome history. But God provides for his people in whatever way he feels is right.  And many will learn from these times. 

Thursday, February 24, 2022


 I have already posted a post like this but I just want to revisit the topic of rent and apartments and poverty.  In New York there is some craziness with people refusing to leave apartments after they can't pay rent, and organizations that defend "tenants rights," etc. And I just want to say that I think our society as a whole could really benefit from considering using more of a rent-to-own condo system instead of apartment rental where you pour money into property management buildings and never actually own your space.  Often there are supposedly smart people who go into debt to own stuff like houses and apartments and then rent it out to collect more cash, so it is really a matter of a signature about who gets the money.  But that "ha ha, suckers" factor is a sign that there could be some injustice that people will eventually answer for. I am not a socialist and I actually think more justice in this system could prevent the socialism that is at risk because of the poverty.  I won't say that much more about it, except that condo payment systems do exist and are wiser for all parties involved.  Some parables in the bible are interesting to look at too, where Jesus is using the absurd violations of landlords, rental, and tenants to illustrate the absurd extravagance of God's love.  In other words, God is as ridiculously good as we are bad. Renters are generally considered more foolish than people who have a mortgage, but the real fools are people who take advantage of poor people in God's sight.  It's actually not a good thing to be at an extreme where you leverage someone's poverty and make them pay and pay and still have nothing.  Along with what could be an already unjust rent system, gouging gets added to it too, and is one of the reasons in our society why increasing wages won't solve all the problems.  That is all, I have said it before, but I will also add that I am not impressed with the musical called Rent, either. New York thinks everything is about themselves, and that once they choose the socialism to correct the bad capitalism, then the whole country has to go along with it.  But we won't, and people will pay for the way they have taxed their neighbors.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

How bad is Biden

  I hate to be a backseat driver in a nuclear war, but I think it is cruel to make Ukraine think we are backing them militarily and then not do it at all.  And then these economic sanctions during a time of worldwide hardship… is perhaps that choice appealing because you also want to do it to half of your own country as soon as you can?  Is that what we are waiting for? For Trump to say more stupid stuff so you can say that Russia is colluding with all the Americans who know you’re a bad person?  And then you can justify shutting us out from commerce and facebook like you have been wanting to do for your whole “public service” career.  Uh, news for you, people have been doing that to us for thirty years. We’re used to it, we know it will get worse, and we know it’s because of our religion.  That’s why we didn’t vote for you, despite your so-called Catholicism, which is a weak disguise for your obsessive abortion hobby.

Or are we not defending Europe for another reason? Is there some ambivalence because it doesn't fit in well enough to the race war scripts you have been working on with the media? Like it could mess up your narrative of hating white people. Who knows what the reason is, but I continue to be shocked when I read the news and see the broken promise of a simple, swift and severe action. Sanctions is not that. Do you really think Russia will spare the whole world just to get Ukraine? Of course they won't. We should defend them in the beginning and be prepared for anything. If you don't feel up for that then you should not have tried to be the president.

What is Immanent

Well, this is a post for the mad blog, about something international which usually isn’t the topic.  But Russia is invading Ukraine, and Biden warned them and said we would do something “swift and severe” if they went through with it.  But we did not do that, and Biden waffled, and is now imposing sanctions.  Maybe he has something military planned, but to me, trying to ruin all the lives of the citizens during the pandemic instead of attacking the military is a weak and fearful thing to do.  Biden tried to explain that there could be a world war if he stood up to Russia but that is what Russia is using to get away with this invasion.  And it could be the rest of 

Europe, and we had our chance to stand up to Putin's in progress invasion.  But time has passed.  Biden did not sign up to be in a world war. He signed up to be in a movie about Kamala.  Tearing up societies is what democrats do instead of using force to make things right out of a secure place of justice. Just think what a win for peace it could have been if all the military bases destroyed each other. But instead, Biden is going to try to hurt their society like his political people have already hurt ours. And then there’s Trump in the background calling Putin a genius. I guess we will trust God with what happens and what we see happen, but there is another kind of trust where you trust God enough to do what you are supposed to.  And I don’t think that is what people have done enough in our government and country. Now we will see the fruit of universities teaching for thirty years that there is not really a right and wrong, except to protest the people who think there is, and who most offensively actually say so.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

The Degeneration Generation

I don’t really think we need another mad blog post right now but I have something to say about my generation, which was hastily called Generation X as soon as Pearl Jam was popular.  Hardees commercials featured a guy talking like he was on drugs, and for the rest of our lives we would be referred to as slackers.  But really we are the 80s children.  And a lot of good stuff has happened because of us, including the surge of facebook and social media, which let a lot of people be creative after being shut out of the careers that fed us kelloggs and star wars when we were kids.  Some cool education and civil rights advancement has also happened with our generation as the core base.  I think millennials will live up to their name, too, but really this whole time period is obviously special. It could be that everyone alive now will get credit for starring in the turn of the millennium.  It hasn’t happened since the year one thousand, and before that was when Christ’s communities became famous. I am fine with being one of the people who had a nervous breakdown, and I hope everyone can clue into the work and support still needed for people with disabilities of all kinds. Some groups are already talking about the Olmstead act, supposedly to protect mentally ill people from being locked up. But really what is going to be needed is good housing and programs that care about all the epidemics, possibly inevitable from the problems that have shattered so many lives in these times. It is not too late to be caught helping people instead of faking activism just to be cool and tearing up the work that still can save more lives than have even lived yet.

tracing back the failure

"if you come to our side, we'll boost your posts"

that's a no, witches.

 you can answer for yourselves about your mistake in front of all of humanity when my books withstand not just the test of time but the test of dimensions and worlds and heaven itself

believe or die

Friday, February 11, 2022

You can’t have a vocation, but you can have a provocation.

Hi everyone, would you like to read these fun riddles for a mental health group I am in? 

A man pushes his car to a hotel and tells the owner he’s bankrupt. Why?

Answer: He’s playing Monopoly.

What is special about these words: job, polish, herb?

Answer: They are pronounced differently when the first letter is capitalized.

I live at a psychiatric complex in AOC’s district in the Bronx.  But that is not good enough. These people want money and power, and don’t think they won’t turn on you too.  Are my recent posts bad for my career?  Which of my five lost careers would that be?  I guess the cashiering career, but our neighborhood Stop and Shop is closing in April anyway. I could not have been more willing to work with people, and that turns out to be the problem all along.

white and wrong

 Well everyone, some of my normal blog that is supposed to be friendly has taken on some mad blog qualities. But I will still try to add to these blogs like normal.  This is just a short post on a deep subject, which has to do with racial repair and justice.  And I just want to say that people can do really well by just going pro-black, but not so well when it becomes anti-white.  There are geniuses all around who have studied these matters and lived lives with all of these things on their minds for years.  I am not really like that but have cared a lot for a long time and in recent years have been navigating social work school communities and life with immigrants and people of different races in New York City.  And there is a lot of strife.  I have a habit of believing almost anything anyone says, and giving people the benefit of the doubt to a fault.  And I will say finally that in fact it is a fault, and I have to call things like I see it, which is to say that some of the racism problems in New York include racism towards white people.  It is pretty bad here and that is all I will say.  I don’t feel like going into the other sub-issues and arguments, such as when people think that it is now white people’s “turn” to be oppressed.  I have really considered things like that but have found much more peace of mind and justice by intending to treat everyone as well as I can, making repairs for former losses by advancing justice and reparitions for black people and other groups, but maintaining an anti- racist view without targeting certain identities as enemies.  It just doesn’t need to be complicated in some ways, and I don’t support the abuse that has been happening in the name of fake justice. It doesn’t help anyone and actually damages causes for improving lives of many black people who haven’t had the same support as others. That’s all.  It is an interesting topic and possibly where the most important history and philosophy is to be studied these days.  But some of it isn’t as complicated as expensive schools want to suggest, and their offensive and obvious racism will be seen for what it is.

Pre exodus to other social media sites

Well, Facebook censored me overtly this week but it was inevitable after several years of being squelched deliberately by controlling algorithms. My posts could not be more innocent and if a blog like this isn’t good enough then I am not the one with the problem. I will not be begging Facebook to let me talk to my friends by posting videos of myself looking like a stupid desperate white person. facebook would be nothing without people like me and they will be nothing again without people like me. Oh, was I supposed to say “people who look like me?” eventually they will probably script everything using our identities anyway won’t they. So I don’t need to be there. What meta verse are you living in? No longer the same one as me.

fund-a-mental institution

 Here is another mad blog post, everyone, that seems like it could go on my theology blog.  But it is not a theology post. The problem seems theological but is actually a rude attitude problem.  And that is simply that some liberals seem determined to find a place for buddhism and even atheism within their Christian theology, but can’t reconcile basic fundamentalism with their own Christian faith.   I feel sorry for those people, and it is nothing but immature hatred.  People want to think they are better than everyone who just accepted what God told them with the simple faith prescribed in the Bible, so they go out of their way to welcome soul killing idols and principalities to their churches but can’t be nice to a Baptist on facebook. It is like that camel and gnat verse in the Bible, except having to do with thought instead of location. There is more to say, and I am sure God is doing something creative and using everyone’s offering in a good way. But somewhere there is some kind of fear or honesty problem if you have to disown half the church in order to relate with newcomers.  And perhaps are these people not really newcomers but very determined, educated persecutors, crafty and worldly enough to trick weak people into denying the “fundamentals.”