Sunday, September 27, 2020

The Wages of Unfair Wages

Well everyone, in one of my other writings I said something that I think made it sound like I don’t understand something that I actually do have a concept of, and it has to do with what is the opposite of slavery.  And I just want to say in this quick blog post that a lot of education about slavery always compares it to freedom, like freedom is the main thing to be gained instead.  But I want to say that I think wages might be the main thing, or an additional thing, and that some kinds of freedom come from having correct wages.  We have problems like this now in our country, and people think it is okay, because they see freedom as the main thing in question, which ends up focusing more on the freedom to make people work without paying them enough.  But wages might be the main thing, and the work itself is also a thing.  Abolitionists who made slavery go away a long time ago didn’t always offer other work opportunities, so a lot of poverty and suffering continued from American slavery while many people congratulated themselves and have felt innocent of certain atrocities. But work, wages, and freedom are all part of the justice picture, and people should consider this when they try to solve problems or assess how dependent they have become on other people’s mistreatment. It’s a lot to manage, and it is part of the reason why people should give all their effort to be a good person and do what is right.  And not to make everything theological, but a related topic would have to do with something like tithing ten percent and thinking that excuses you from offering your whole life to the service of God and others. A lot of people will find that to give an honest ten percent, you kind of do have to give your whole life. And so many people have thought all of that is not worth their time. But probably almost everyone would be surprised at how much the other problems of percentages can be traced back to it.

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