Sunday, September 27, 2020

Fighting the System When You Are The System

This topic is very belated, but everyone knows what I am talking about. I thought of a name for it, which I would say is “policy-mongering.” It is when the lawmakers fight each other through the legislation process.  And I think that it has been so much a problem that people should do what they always should have done and make it be against the rules.  Not necessarily a crime, but just against the rules so you lose your job as a senator if you can’t work in a straightforward process instead of using every aspect of the congressional system to fight “the other side” as a representative.  The fact is, in that context, there is not supposed to be another side to that extreme, even with all the history of things like filibustering.  Well filibustering also was a waste of time, and disrespectful, and people should not keep their jobs if they can’t see their work as a job instead of a battle. There is something cowardly about blocking the other politicians at every step of government if what they really want is a war, though that doesn’t necessarily mean that duels are the answer. Both sides have done it consistently, which almost makes it a treaty or agreement of some sort, and that is actually part of the problem.  That is how it becomes a charade and sham while a whole country waits for justice. The right solutions would benefit everyone, and though the divided country and people who are not at peace with each other makes government a difficult challenge that is all too easy for someone like me to sit back and criticize, it is too much of a lie for people to say they are there to govern when what they are really doing is a much lower level role as a soldier taking orders from voters they are try to please in order to keep salaries and insurance that so suspiciously don’t match the wages of the people who can no longer afford places to live.

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