Sunday, December 31, 2023

More of the Same

 Right now I am watching a youtube cooking video.  I like these videos because it is regular people.  I like the food network stars too, but I think the phenomenon that happened with facebook and social media began mostly from an unusual foundation of regular people sharing regular life.  And everyone loved it so it changed the world.  But I guess as people monetized things, which isn’t necessarily bad and probably did help businesses whose ads were being ignored, facebook changed. I can’t reach my friends, and this element I am enjoying right now as this random person from Louisiana shows me how to cook candied pecans, is not there as much anymore. I follow a lot of animals online, and definitely things have gotten better since the politics that badgered me during the pandemic.  But I think we have witnessed an aggressive harvesting of our social lives, and a loss of something special that had been gained. Is that how it works?  Were the Hollywood stars of old from a similar harvest?  Hmm, I don’t know. But I think facebook solved what had been a different suctioning of ourselves and our souls by corporations and shark businesses.  And we were stressed and crunched, and then God helped us with a national miracle.  And what do you know, those power hungry money takers found their way in and bought back our whole social lives. Some might say we sold out by logging in, but I would say that is your problem if you think that. It wasn’t so voluntary, it was a cheap dirty swindle.  We will find our friends again, maybe at church, or schools, or work as people try to survive our gutted economy.  And all the people taken advantage of will press on and be the humble heroes just as usual, the people who wake up and do what they are supposed to, tell the truth, care about others, make mistakes, and live a good life while greedy predators with their souls open to a vacuuming abyss attach their leechy snouts to any station of innocence left welcoming the rare repenters who hear the meek mild call of soup recipes and family photos.

Citizens Unrest

 Well hi everyone, I think I will put this on my regular blog instead of my mad blog, even though it is a policy and issue topic.  It has to do with reparitions, which is something I believe in and think that people should think more about.  

To me, the fact that at least something should be done to repay the ongoing detriment of the specific historical abuse of slavery is a no brainer and almost not up for debate.  But what is actually possible, who should make it work out, and how it should happen are things that many more creative minds should invest their time and resources in. 


A thoughtless reaction to mob demands will only cause further damage, and honestly I do think people can expect a war if they turn it into an excuse for a veiled armed robbery.


I want to compare that risk to something I saw on other racist TV, which is the Dukes of Hazzard.  They used to have this thing called “Citizen’s Arrest,” where a normal person could arrest someone as a fellow citizen and take someone to jail.  It was ridiculous and made for some entertaining TV.  I think the same level absurdity could be too appealing and excused for the reparitions process too.


If people get some clue from their education or social media that causes them to see not just an immediate need but the reality of a societal debt, then surely it is tempting to just find the nearest white oppressor and demand that they cough up “their share” of reparitions.  Already, I think there are media narratives that cause people to expect anyone with a paycheck to suddenly make up for four hundred years of poverty and degradation in the lives of millions.


And maybe it is hyper-vigilant of me to predict this at all, but I have to say ahead of time, or at the fringe of what is already underway, that I feel sorry for people who see that option as their only route to prosperity.  Truly, if you do, you are one of the reasons that it has been so complicated  already with decades of crime and welfare mixed in from co-enslavers.  And that mess will never be over as long as people keep being coached to milk their cred instead of getting a job. Those who know better and especially do better will probably see immediately that there actually many of us who see the real case and believe you should go for both the cash and credit.

Monday, December 4, 2023

Sure, insurance

  Hi everyone, I have considered this mad blog complete but maybe I will still post sometimes.  The thing for today is questioning post office insurance for packages.  I kind of get it and agree, I mean if you are sending 300 dollars in the mail then why not an insurance system to protect it.  Except that I think the postal service is intrinsically for things like mailing packages, so why don't they shoulder the responsibility for lost items?  Instead, now, if you don't buy insurance, it is like you are agreeing to a gamble where they don't have any obligation to successfully do what you pay for which is for them to safely get your valuable thing from point A to point B.  I say this because I am missing a package that I mailed to myself and one of the other two packages was slit open as if to say, don't expect the one that is missing.  It was an ordeal at the post office and I might have been considered a problem customer because I was in a hurry and kept having to redo the address labels.  So I could expect revenge, except the person helping me was a good and patient person who I think would be less likely to hide the mail on purpose than the people up north who continually harrass me with overt racism and political hatred everywhere I go.  Really, the package will probably get here tomorrow, things do get lost, but these are nasty social warfare times where people are getting in their jabs to disrupt quality life just as the northern schools taught them to.  And where is the protection, where are the contractual agreements, where is the accountability?  It is for sale temporarily so insurance sharks can cash in on our suffering, and so regular businesses have no responsiblity whatsoever.

Friday, June 9, 2023

The creeping threat of smog pollution

I thought of some funny facebook jokes about the air quality experience which is saying 


I held my breath for two days


a whole generation is going to grow up with smokers voice


What I didn’t see was advice for smokers during an air quality emergency


Well these three jokes would have been fun to share on facebook if it was still a platform for me and legitimate socializing resource.  But sadly after suctioning everyone’s social participation for several happy years, facebook chose a less happy direction and ran through their own agendas while people pretended to stick up for justice.  And to some users it still seems like an innovative free service even though most people have to pay to share anything and can’t at all if it is their authentic friend connections. People can say otherwise but even weak journalists are starting to write insightful little articles about how people are lonely now.  Gee I wonder why.  Could it be the ads for desperate small business coaches that replaced our friend’s clever witticisms?  But no one dares speak up or out about facebook’s crooked theft of the heart of our lives after years of patient support for anything they did. For me, my one thousand friends were gained through facing society with severe social anxiety.  And I don’t take it lightly for rich northerners to help themselves to my life and contacts while overtly insulting and harassing me every single day. I guess people will return to churches and facebook will be a fun fad that happed and now a worldly media resource as nasty and power hungry as the Ted Turner empires of the 90s which started all these problems anyway. 

Sunday, February 19, 2023

A Day Off or an Off Day

Well everyone, President’s Day is tomorrow, and I am just thinking about the creep of the four day work week, as some people have suggested. I am not necessarily totally opposed to the idea and see almost any rest that happens in our country as much needed and the inevitable collapse from a society that for twenty or thirty years gouged most honest people with increased stress levels that gave half the population nervous breakdowns.  But I would like to say that as people write little articles about how nice it would be to live a French siesta life, most likely it will only mean extra holidays for people collecting the cash from the automated systems that enslave everyone else.  That’s already part of many people’s lives, but for some reason is not a pet problem of the activists who racebook chose to roll through as they use american ad money to fund the spread of worldwide viral nudity videos featuring abused teen princesses from other countries.  But anyway, I got distracted there, what I am saying is we all know that a four-day work week will just mean the banks and post offices will be closed at inconvenient times while young people work three to five low paying jobs and can’t have a real family. Go ahead, make up some lie that isn’t even relevant. Say it’s about race or climate change. Some other white sin, or supremacy from white people not sinning, okay wait a minute.. what is it you really want? A four day work week. For other people. While you do nothing.