Saturday, June 30, 2018

"When lives are shattered, brains should be splattered."

I was recently at a conference where a speaker mentioned that Christian writers needed to have a response to the "Me Too movement."  I think he was an editor, so it actually is appropriate for him to be talking about it in a writing context.  And it probably is good and faithful for Christians to be on the lookout for some "gospel need" in any discussions that become kind of macro and national.  But I also felt strongly that the actual issues of most of the "me too" articles and essays from abuse survivors should not be minimized into just some kind of arbitrary current events topic that Christianity can be mechanically plugged into, and even a hint of viewing it that way is exactly the reason people wouldn't want to hear that editor's message, and is also part of why the abuse in question has taken over our country.  The Christian response to millions of people saying they have been sexually abused should include an immediate effort to kill the rapists.  That is the situation. We have a nation of pigs and rapists and we should be standing up to all of it in every context.  And when things are criminal, then there should be a use of force to stop the abuse.

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