Saturday, June 30, 2018

The Stench of Liberal Hypocrisy

            It is normal and good for people to not want to be Nazis and to not want to be the bad people in the old civil rights photos.  But when fearfully avoiding "the wrong side of history" is the only moral compass someone has, and they want to prove their goodness by acting out another holocaust using real people as props, then I think they have to be suspected of contributing to the problems themselves. 
            People in the media still seem to be operating under a "trust us, we're the good guys," delusion as they report on all the flailing and failing republican efforts to "secure the border." But I am not convinced of the supposed media goodness.  I have thought since even before Trump got elected that the promotion that propelled him to power was directly and deliberately from the New York Times and a few other news sources who wanted to seem like heroes.  That is not to say that they genuinely like him. I do think they think he is a bad leader, but I think they also have always wanted him to represent the republicans and not just the republicans but really the Christians in this country, because it serves their interests of trying to squelch us and even destroy us.  I don't think it could have been more obvious during the elections, and if anyone thinks I am wrong, I would be interested in seeing even one example of any news story about any of the other Republican primary candidates.  The fact is that it was the media's strategy to make Trump the candidate because they thought everyone would vote for Hillary instead.  But a lot of people really don't want to pay for 40 million abortions, so they reluctantly voted for Trump.  And instead of admitting that their plan went wrong, The New York TImes immediately started diverting everyone's attention to the possibility of some kind of Russian interference in the election, when really, everyone remembers what happened.  The debates were horrible and Clinton got taken down by an abortion question.  And then the Republican candidate that the media chose for everyone actually won.  And what is left to do than for all the liars to try to prove themselves innocent by doing everything they can to insure that their only historical references: the Civil Rights movement and the Holocaust, actually play out with them starring as the heroes who denounce Trump.  And another interesting thing about this is that even with literally thousands of headlines selling the liberal narrative, everyone, including the liberals, knows that what I am saying is true.  And they also know that we do have immigration problems that need to be solved.  But why solve anything when we can spend all our free time playing nerdy little history games with all the people we can control because of their poverty that is largely due to our same old problems not getting solved, because it is such valuable material to use for the liberal's reputations in all their little photos that they wish were more iconic than their own dishonesty which is now an indisputable part of history.

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