Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Using Your Noodle

 Well everyone, the secret messages seem to be saying to do a post about racism against Asians and I will gladly do that because I think it is a neglected topic.  But I think at this point the main thing I will say is just to point out a simple fact about Covid, which many people, including the stale cheeto, wanted to blame China for. Covid is SARS, and if anyone recalls, SARS has been happening for about fifteen years.  Maybe a little more, and we all used to see people with their masks on in other countries on TV.  I think I remember seeing mostly Japanese people with masks.  That was a long time ago.  So I would say that is a virus that has been contained with extreme success and consideration. And I personally am grateful to face the virus with luxuries of Zoom and facebook and occasional instacart, and to have already gone through some good years where the economy was not shut down and I was able to travel for school.  As obvious as God's care is in that, I will not hesitate to also show some gratitude to all the people in other countries who did the opposite of the biological warfare they were accused of.  And I find it even ruder that people actually refused to discuss biological warfare anyway and went straight for the racism.  Calling it "China virus" without deploying any armies or protection in a war. So it wasn't about biological warfare anyway and if it was, people were too cowardly to discuss it. How terrible, and war is actually something that should be legitimately prepared for anyway with extreme care for our diverse population where anyone could seem like an enemy under some conditions.  And I go further with it than most and disagree with anyone who thinks that some privileged people somehow maintain their prosperity and safety with no attack. That view disgusts me and I don't see how anyone won't acknowledge the erosion and cultural assaults that are part of everyone's lives as we try to deal with overwhelming healthcare burdens, shark tech power hungry control freaks, unavoidable inappropriate media being force fed to everyone's kids, rates of autism with no residential or care provisions anywhere in sight despite multiple multiple billionaires, a food supply that can't be trusted and is replaced or even destroyed with no replacement by greedy copycats who proudly hawk their aggressive harvest from white flight to Portland and Seattle which continues to post a disgusting symbolic green logo over the only thing that helped us get through any of it besides our own supernatural strength that some people didn't have because the expensive schools found it to seem more intellectual to teach everyone that nothing's true. Who do people want to be the victims? Who do people want to be the good guys? Sometimes solutions are more obvious than people realize, and the route to being a good person is surprisingly instant if that was what people really wanted.

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