Thursday, October 15, 2020

Shark Attack

 Well everyone, I got a notice today from Barnes and Noble saying that their customers’ info had been compromised, and everyone’s purchase and transaction records have been leaked. I always had thought that was just a risk with the membership program but apparently Barnes and Noble thinks it is their business to keep track of everything that people buy but not be responsible if it is made public. My purchase history with them is pretty innocent, but I think that this is a reminder of how they leverage power with their cashiers and to try to stay in charge of community decency standards wherever their stores are.  I think they are able to achieve a blackmail effect on their employees if anyone ever decides to stand up against them for any reason. They might think they can dirty all of our personal records, but their brand is the dirt, and even being an employee or a customer has an effect of instant confession at worst, and possibly an automatic exposure of their community assault strategy at even more worst. So I could say I am worried about people coming after me because of my name on receipts, but all that will come to light is how nice some of their employees and customers were, and how patient, to then be treated with nothing less than absolute sexual abuse meant to ruin our lives.

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