Sunday, July 19, 2020

Yet another all-encompassing rant because of one slight

   Well everyone, I just ate some meatloaf that was in a cool aluminum container and I decided to put it on a plate first and saw that it seemed to not be cooked yet after all.  But I think really it was half cooked and had a note to heat it for 20 minutes in the oven.  Well that is weird because it was in the prepared food section at the grocery store. So I put it in the oven and it was still pink so I sautéed it.  Hopefully it is cooked enough now.  It makes me have thoughts of a ruined society, though, because I feel like there was in fact a time where you would not have to be so careful at a grocery store. There wouldn’t be a risk of accidentally eating raw meat. It happened to me with some crab cakes once, and I have also noticed refrigerated drink displays having alcoholic bottled drinks mixed in with other cryptically labeled teas and sodas.  And what is Kombucha?  I don’t really know.  But what seems clear is that a lot of people in our culture don’t care about anything but money, and they especially don’t care about kids and young people. They just don’t.  And this is how systems form that become harder to intervene in as people start to get cheated or abused by the hundreds of millions. 
     Maybe I should try to stay positive, because great things have happened in our country, and I can see how God blessed my generation from the 80s and made our wildest cartoon dreams come true with laptops, cellphones, and the most entertaining internet phenomenon imaginable. I am also a fan of Obama’s great 8 years, the candy aisle at Target, stars like Ellen and Oprah and Zuckerberg, and even delivery options like Amazon.  But you can see people trying to establish their right to run everyone over and not care about things like clean water standards, FDA rules that can mean life and death, and the most basic justice of getting fair wages.  Why do people continue to tear up everything instead of striving for a functioning congress, a police force that saves people instead of killing them, and schools that provide any service needed in a world where there may not have ever been a greater opportunity to share the truest faith and justice possible? To me it does come down to being able to buy food safely and fairly, and to not have to watch an ongoing economic and moral erosion hurting the younger part of America while the still unsatisfied sharks at the top try to take everything from everyone. If you don’t care about keeping your customers from getting worms, then you don’t care about anything that matters.

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