Wednesday, August 28, 2019

recent consarns

Obviously I am slowing down with these mad blog posts, but I feel like mentioning two recent bothersome things. One is that I have gotten to a point where I really don't know what news stories are true, and don't have any news source that I trust in more than a partial way. People have been talking about this issue for a long time, but I did for a while feel like I could kind of get a picture of what's going on from skipping around and reading between the lines.  But honestly, now I go to sites and look through the headlines and genuinely don't know if there are any stories that I can believe. It could be paranoia or other mental problems, but I have a feeling that it is more likely that my mental problems are more of a result from wrongs like that and not the cause.

Then the other thing is something I have been meaning to mention for a long time, which is my disappointment that New York subways are not more accessible to disabled people and moms with strollers. I am confused about why a city as important as New York would not provide for people in that way, and honestly I thought that certain laws required that. I think that the Access-a-ride service is a pretty good step (get it, "step," like the hundreds of steps people have to carry strollers up with children in them who could get their face smashed if they are dropped?), but I think the disability van program is not the same as treating everyone with justice and service. And if a place as advanced or as potentially advanced as New York could have been won't do what is right, then I think that a lot of places and maybe the whole world is in a lot of trouble.

Ok I am remembering a third thing, which is just to make sure I say on this blog that I do think Trump is racist, and I also think he has a competence and sanity problem bad enough for immediate impeachment. I have thought so for a long time, even after holding out some very unpopular hope after decisively not voting for him.  The outrageous Harriet Tubman 20 dollar bill reversal was what really made me feel the urgent need to express my horror, but there has been a delay in me sharing my political views, and I am really sorry about all the reasons for that.  I mostly do what I can when I can, and I hope that everyone who has more official responsibility to intervene will succeed in preventing worse atrocities than what has already been happening.

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