Thursday, June 6, 2019

only the messenger

   Well everyone, this is just a quick post about such a minor little change in the texting on my phone, which I am sure is just nothing to worry about, just like every other little advance that facebook and other technology does all the time, where they gain just a little bit more power over our actual socializing.  I noticed now that my friends can hit "like" on one of my texts.  Private texts, of course, but for how long?  I think the weird power plays of making everyone sign up for messenger, and then changing the way people select who they are going to send a message to have always had this hint of something that could happen some day, which is that facebook just decides to go ahead and make everyone's messages public instead of private.  no big deal, of course. When you are just trying to "change the world," you have to do stuff like that, don't you?  I think the threat is also there with google and google docs, and some people who think they might be some kind of deity are looking forward to someday letting everyone google through anyone's private and hopefully scandalous and even incriminating emails from the past thirty years.
   But I think that is when people will see why people sometimes have to use force and intervention to put a stop to oppressive and violating societal wrongs.  Hopefully once that happens, Iran will have stolen enough of our technology that we can reboot facebook and twitter with a little more consideration for people's boundaries.

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