Saturday, June 29, 2019

next possible mad blog topics

are some children in fact being used as human shields in invasions disguised as migration, and then again as shields for political groups who are happy for the supposed leverage against people who did what they were supposed to

something suspicious going on with companies like twinkies and toys r us declaring bankruptcy and then coming back just a few years later with the same brand value

profit vs. gouging: productive commercial competition versus blocking resources to then charge people for access to basic supplies and services.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Neither Nor

In her book called Hunger, Roxanne Gay wrote about how she had to buy an extra seat on planes sometimes, but then the airline would want to let people put their stuff in her extra seat.  And she said it was like they wanted something both ways.  And I have noticed that a lot of injustice and mistreatment is exactly like that. When I was in college, my mom wanted me to get a job instead of doing volunteer and camp experiences, but then wanted to make me report my spending to her.  But I had my own money because I had had to work instead of doing the things I wanted to do. She could not have it both ways. But people do find a way to demand opposite things from people, and I think it is happening with a lot of our country’s problems.  A lot of people want to ignore things like immigrant needs and poverty and say that is the government’s job, but they also want to say that the government should be limited and not interfere and have any resources or power. The goal is to starve people out of the systems of food and health.  The insurance companies do it too, by wanting to collect premiums from everyone and cover health care for no one.  I mean why don’t they just come to our house with a gun and take our cash. When they do, I will do what I learned from the show called Electric Company when I was a kid.  There was a hold up and a muppet said to someone, “Your money or your life?” And the person said “I’ll take ‘your money’.”  And the bad muppet handed over the money.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

only the messenger

   Well everyone, this is just a quick post about such a minor little change in the texting on my phone, which I am sure is just nothing to worry about, just like every other little advance that facebook and other technology does all the time, where they gain just a little bit more power over our actual socializing.  I noticed now that my friends can hit "like" on one of my texts.  Private texts, of course, but for how long?  I think the weird power plays of making everyone sign up for messenger, and then changing the way people select who they are going to send a message to have always had this hint of something that could happen some day, which is that facebook just decides to go ahead and make everyone's messages public instead of private.  no big deal, of course. When you are just trying to "change the world," you have to do stuff like that, don't you?  I think the threat is also there with google and google docs, and some people who think they might be some kind of deity are looking forward to someday letting everyone google through anyone's private and hopefully scandalous and even incriminating emails from the past thirty years.
   But I think that is when people will see why people sometimes have to use force and intervention to put a stop to oppressive and violating societal wrongs.  Hopefully once that happens, Iran will have stolen enough of our technology that we can reboot facebook and twitter with a little more consideration for people's boundaries.