Thursday, July 5, 2018

More than a policy error

People have really gotten on my nerves lately with their self righteous shaming and blaming and quoting the Elie Wiesel silence quote after thirty years of squelching evangelicals but I am horrified about the Mexican children being separated from their parents and probably siblings with a strong likelihood of never being reunited and I do think that Trump should be impeached and along with others jailed for child abuse.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

A soccer goal post

   This is a short post about something I am not really mad about but thought I would share a suspicion.  It has to do with soccer and something that I think would make the game more fun and interesting. My theory is that regulation soccer fields should be smaller. I think that the usual soccer scores are a little bit too low and people have to run too far but no one wants to say it because it would be like admitting that they were too tired or not great athletes.  That is just a theory that I have, and everyone can watch the world cup games and say that I do not know anything, but I actually did play indoor soccer one time and it was really fun, and it was fun because it was a smaller space and more time was spent aiming the ball instead of trying to transport the ball and it went all over the place constantly so everyone was always actually playing soccer and not doing long distance running in disguise.
    This also reminds me to share an idea for a game that me and some friends made up in middle school.  The game is called Ten-vol-soc.  You play it on the tennis court and you use volleyball rules but kick the ball across the net and try not to let it hit the ground.  It really is fun and I think people could become really good at it and eventually use the Wimbleton courts for world championships.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Desperate Times

    It may not be necessary to write this post since I have already mentioned this topic enough for other people to crack the code and solve the obvious problem, but I did decide to go ahead and say a little more about the rent gouging problems in this country.  A lot of people want to talk about gentrification and say that the "real" real estate problem is the bad white people taking over all the neighborhoods.  But I think it would be more honest and more productive to place the blame where it really belongs, which is on the apartment and real estate people who are gouging everyone.  I think that the faster that people realize that the rent gouging doesn't really help white people either and hurts pretty much everyone in not just individual neighborhoods but the whole country, then the faster we can prevent the behaviors that are actually wrong and our whole society can recover.
    And I want to add my main idea, which some people will think is horribly ignorant communism.  But I think that really, I am right when I say we need to question our whole system of letting people in power charge everyone rent that eventually exceeds the value of the property.  I think that there is a strong case that it is exploitation by nature and should not be allowed.  I will even say the most drastic idea for a solution that I have, which is that a lot of the apartments people pay rent for might need to all of a sudden be condos with their accumulated rent totals counting as mortgage and the ownership being transferred to the tenants.  People would kill over this and they think it is the foundation of American capitalism that I am attacking, but I think they might unexpectedly be wrong about that.  I think that justice is the true foundation of a profitable economy, and the damage that greedy people have done to our country does deserve a punitive act that could include property seizure.  And who better to hand the property to than the people who actually have paid for it.