Thursday, June 13, 2024

How many degrees is the hell you're going to

 Well hello everyone, this is Refried, making weak attempts to restart these better blogs and recover from the abuse that wrenched the writing across most of my genres.

Today's topic is the sudden closing of colleges.  The defense argument is that they simply couldn't sustain the school and had to act suddenly.  But unfortunately, what that is, is simply a broken contract.  They have offered a four year degree program and then "can't" deliver on it.  

One solution that could help everyone and would have already happened if old people cared about young people, is that degrees should be broken up into two year segments anyway.  There were enough millions of people who did not graduate for people to see years ago that granting an associate's degree early on would help everyone's lives at least some.

As for colleges not keeping their end of a bargain, it is a sign of moral weakness in no longer high places but the crooked crags of idolatrous success worship. And the people who acquired more of it, which are... grownups, hoarded what they got and had to fail and bail for the young people.

It's tough times, must be easy for me to say, maybe it is and maybe it's not.  But the feeling of injustice from those who suddenly lost their community and goal track and investment, could not be more accurate.  Now there will be legal cases and we will see how people dodge responsibility.

The lesson is to not promise what you can't and won't deliver on.  That's a lesson people supposedly already knew.  Going to college isn't supposed to be as irresponsible as a horse race or a boxing match.

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