Saturday, September 25, 2021

A nice day for a mad blog post

 The reason liberals don't have guns is because they know they're wrong.  They also would rather just make people feel bad than to have actual justice. Currently some social work people are forcing me to go through gay rites of passage, or should I say "gay rights of passage," to get through my gender problem. No one in any community will accept any work or participation from me until I start a stonewall riot or prove I'm Ellen Degeneres. I literally will have to write a sit-com about a bookstore even though I actually worked in a bookstore for twelve years and then I need to lose the sitcom in order to be treated with any amount of dignity from any group or organization here in New York.  Funnily, I think this includes the evangelical churches in the South, as well, who supposedly reject gay choices in general. But I know from my mom's lifelong control of me and her own resulting heartbreak, that everyone secretly wants gay people to be gay.  For the people who pretend not to believe in it, it helps them have people to appropriate, to include despite themselves, or cut off as their profession of faith that secular society outlawed a long time ago in their own disguised ways. But I have consistently been myself and I am a loving person and good at love, even though people judge any kind of monk as being some kind of secret abuser dispatched from the Catholic church. Well the Catholic church was a convenient decoy to blame for what is absolute mass societal sexual abuse which has left almost no one unoffended or unharmed in our disgusting culture that was ruined by too much pornography a long time ago.   This abuse is not totally unrelated to all the closet politics, no matter what anyone says, or no matter how much people try to make having AIDS or good fashion the highest virtue. Some of us chose the discipline of waiting until it was safe to have a person, which for me turns out to either be never, or whenever the social work people who have my life in their hands can confirm that I act out every stage of the "coming out" process required by their gay rights cotillion.  Gay scrogging is the religion of New York, and people couldn't help but follow their pride all the way to total self worship where anyone who wants to contribute to any part of society has to first develop a taste for San Francisco bath houses and naked drag queens on parade floats.  I guess for women it is different, but I would not know, because I have done what I am supposed to, only for people to demand that I throw it all away as part of their continued political campaigns, not to save confused middle schoolers, but to try to keep milking the 80s for their own lost virtue that will probably never be found. So I guess the finale to all these years of suffering is that everyone already knows what is true.  The evangelicals know that gay is okay, and they always have, and the fagtards know that they should have followed Jesus Christ.  Everything else was just a total waste of time except for people to get some air-time with the power-hungry media, who thankfully will probably not be around any more once we're all in heaven.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

20 years of liberal jihad

Today is Sept 11 and no one has forgotten and we haven’t forgotten the 20 years of media harassment that followed. People want the insurrection to be a matching bookend to the glory and heroism of that day but it simply isn’t and instead was a mess and a sham and the culmination of deliberate division that has ruined our country.


Friday, September 3, 2021

Return of the Mad Blog

 Well everyone, I am restarting my blog after a break to manage behavior problems. So I am back to my normal topics instead of complaining about people being mean to me personally for political reasons.  So today I have two quick topics: first, just to say that I think Apple computers has made its charging ports wear out faster as a power play and as a way to make more money from replacement devices.  It could not be more obvious and my first iPhone lasted four times as long as any of my subsequent replacements.  Then the second issue is that some of the drug stores lock up the brand name over the counter medicine and then drag their feet for customer service so people end up buying the store brand. That is some nasty cheating and the fact that we have no government to intervene with anything like that in our society is a tragedy and a dangerous reality that probably signals the end of safe living for most of us. But this isn't a post about terrorism, domestic or otherwise, and we certainly don't need to be attacked by the Taliban for our own country to be ruined. We already have the New York Times for that. Anyway I guess there is going to be a war in the US soon. People can call it a civil war but I think there will be a lot of "immigrants" helping on one side, won't there be. That is enough for now. This blog got ignored as part of the silence people pretended to complain about. The newsflash that you won't have access to is that a lot of you aren't going to heaven. Bye! I am not Lot's wife. I won't miss anyone.