Sunday, February 21, 2021

I am sorry I wasted the syrup that I bought from the Amish on Amazon.

Ok everyone I know that I have suggested solutions before that have to do with varying funds so that opposing political parties could pay for only what they believe in with clear consciences.  But I thought of an idea this morning rather suddenly that I think could be a more obvious long overdue solution to all of it.  And what I think could solve everything is if America just sent the whole bill for abortion costs directly to the Amish. They could absorb the disrespect intended for all religious people, much like Christ on the cross. It would be a powerful witness of God's forgiveness, while also satiating the murderous forces who try to abuse all of us in more sneaky ways.  We could defeat them by just skipping to the ending, acknowledging the real goals, and concentrating all the meaning in a simplified form. And it is simple: people who care about doing what they are supposed to should take the punishment for everyone else. I mean just say it. There is no need for thousand page insurance laws and corrupt government gridlocks to disguise it all.  People have not been able to convince anyone that babies are innocent or not innocent. But we know the Amish are, so let's get them involved a little more.

Sunday, February 7, 2021

now things can go back to normal

Finally, some "peace" and calm again.  No more yucky photos of that bad person on the news every day and the headlines that make us feel like racism is going to win if we try to keep a job and pay our bills. Suddenly things seem so sane again, and why is that? Is it because a mad man is not in charge and the so called fanatics he represents, or because the people tearing up our country got their way and are now allowed to tear it up from above and not below?  Fascism or socialism, what a great choice for a country that used to try for liberty and justice. I actually do feel some relief and am especially happy about Kamala probably being a good leader, but I also don't plan to pretend I don't see a dynamic where people haven't caused on purpose half the strife they pretend to save everyone from.  It's funnily not even just metaphorically similar to criminal behavior where someone has an actual gun to your head and promises not to hurt you if you just hand over the cash. Except it's more like, "we promise not to hurt you any more," which means something bad has already happened. Well that is interestingly similar to their narrative, hard to escape, but possible if you are willing to lose your career or participation in main social venues. I myself think there is a conspiracy, and knew not to vote for Trump, but also can tell when I am watching a skit set up for some entertainment purpose where people weren't satisfied with the corruption of hollywood and want to turn our whole reality into a nasty violent movie.  I ended up with a pretty good role as a food volunteer, more exciting than just being an "extra," but sadly automatically still a racist villain because my ancestors believed in Jesus Christ. My life also comes with a debt that matches what other people got as their salary, but of course it is just a blessing to participate at all. Are the Oscars still a source of honor? To me it would seem by now that any of the winners would have to walk across the stage hiding their face in shame, but maybe that turns out to be part of the movie now too. A very clever ironic twist, and possibly a good sign that everyone will eventually get exactly what they vote for.

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Channeling Self Harm

Well everyone, I hope you all are having a good night. I need to take my psychiatric medicine and try not to have another day where I scream at everyone in my neighborhood to stop torturing me. I have made good progress in life goals, which used to involve writing and publishing, but then just writing, and now just experiencing the humiliation of Christ and God's jealousy and rage from the Old Testament. There is oddly one more thing that I have figured out, which is a related goal to stay alive until the very end and not commit suicide.  That is something I did not notice about Christ on the cross, not automatically as a suicide theme but that he was alive while dying in an unusual way.  So I will try to do the same. Abandoning my more absurd and grandiose ambitions to not be abused by my entire society seems like a good plan for now and definitely a type of spiritual progress.  It still might be a culminating problem, though, for people who will be found hitting themselves in the corner when my books are finally read in heaven.  Probably already there are already creatures and people in other realms reading about everything we do here and who possibly have hologram machines that create physical replications of us that they can slap when anyone does something stupid. It could also be God's plan for me to fail in many life layers at a time, because he knew I was going to tell evangelicals that their communion might as well be fetal blood after their disregard for people's health care needs, and that I would also tell the democrats that their fetal blood might as well be fetal blood. Speaking of blood, I am thinking about having my gallbladder surgery without the pain medication or anesthesia, just as practice for the war. 


23 And you, Capernaum, will you be lifted to the heavens? No, you will go down to Hades. For if the miracles that were performed in you had been performed in Sodom, it would have remained to this day. 24 But I tell you that it will be more bearable for Sodom on the day of judgment than for you.”

Monday, February 1, 2021

Violence is Violence

Well that was quite an orange fire that raged for four years, put out by a mostly friendly blue ocean wave, but I think that as the steam hisses and people trudge through the charred wasteland to determine what can be salvaged, something that will turn out to be much less flammable than expected is evangelical Christianity. During recent days, some people in surprise occurrences of political integration have started testing christian claims of evangelical identity, looking for whether people actually share their faith or just found themselves as part of a popular and maybe comfortable social club that seemed immune to some of the suffering felt by oppressed and alienated groups. But that is where I and others will probably have to draw certain lines with how patient to be. Surprising to some, these lines may not be the bad lines of gerry mandering in voting districts, pipelines through indigenous territory, or even Wal-Mart lines that were always too long on purpose. But they will be confrontational and supernaturally unchallengeable boundaries where our persecutors are faced with our unanimous outrage at their own hypocrisy of silencing us and then calling us silent. People love the MLK quote about the appalling silence of good people, a little too much, in fact, and not coincidentally enjoy even more the sport of comparing faithful Christian patience to the horrific silence of the Holocaust, famously brought to attention by Elie Weisel and others since then. People who question complicity in these matters usually have the best of intentions, which is to re-enlist the goodness of those they think they should have already been able to count on for defense against evil assaults on entire populations. But it is their own slouching when people demand the very moral compromises at the root of the problems themselves from people who do plenty of what they are supposed to and know it. What do people say they wanted from us. The criticism was of a lack of campaigning. And yet we were already muted for that very reason: the fact that we actually believed that people needed to know something and went to the trouble of being associated in any way with the message. So either people really believe we are wrong, and are about to be surprised sooner than anyone realizes when God comes through for us all, or there could be a second category of people who were secretly us and would not admit it. And in that case, I will say to those people this new famous quote: "when you point a finger, you have three more pointing back at you, plus my two middle fingers now too."