Saturday, July 1, 2017

the cutting of the cake makers

   Hi, would people like to hear my opinion about gay wedding cakes?  Some people think it is a no brainer like refusing to make a certain kind of cake for certain people is automatically discrimination, but I do not really think so.  I would kill myself if people forced me to create something that I did not want to create.  I think that the rule should be that anyone should be allowed to buy any cake that a cake maker makes, but that cake makers should only have to make original cakes according to designs they choose and believe in themselves.  So if they have wedding cakes and gay people want one for a wedding, they should have to sell it, but if some loser comes in their shop and demands that they design some nasty cake or some cake with icing saying something they don't believe in then they  have no moral obligation whatsoever to comply and should also not have any kind of legal obligation.  So to me it is about design. I know that some people think that their religious rights are violated if they have to sell a cake to someone that they don't want to, but to me, especially since gay marriage is legal, then it is reasonable to expect them to treat everyone the same.
   I think that part of this has to do with how personal a cake is or isn't.  You are not the officiating minister because you made someone a cake.  The cake doesn't have that kind of meaning, and if it did, then wouldn't your cake sale be the wedding? Everyone knows that it is not.
  So now people are like oh, funny you should mention ministers. They are next on our list of people we want to persecute.  Well hmm I guess that is part of gay marriage tradition now isn't it? People choose the flowers they want, and choose their wedding party, and then choose the religious people whose lives they want to ruin.

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