Thursday, July 6, 2017

Daily Grime

   I remember as a kid having so many hilarious laughs with middle school and high school friends whenever we would say "What if someone did such and such," and it would be some inappropriate thing that we all knew was absurd.  And everyone had a basic understanding of societal norms, and how terrible it would be to see some kind of embarrassing commercial when you were with your grandmother, or how wrong it would be for a teacher to do something crazy like show pornography in class. I think that these standards in our minds became the foundation for some deep appreciation of hilarious jokes, some of which were homemade, and some of which were expertly presented in movies and on TV.
    But now, as if someone went and dumped all the spices ever made into everyone's food and drinks and even ice cream, we have nasty images and nasty jokes and nasty music in our faces and minds constantly everywhere we turn.  People can say that is not true but I do not believe them.  If you need to make some copies at an office store, you will get it done while listening to a top 40 song that is more explicit than a medical anatomy class and has people making actual sexual noises. Bus drivers who wanted decent, honest work, suddenly find themselves driving down the road with huge underwear ads featuring completely naked people on their bus for everyone to see.  I really can't think of anything more disrespectful to a community and especially to a worker doing their job. How disgusting. If you say anything about it, you are considered a prude, but I think that most people, and possibly everyone, knows in their hearts that our culture has a problem and it probably is contributing to high rates of abuse, and isn't that far from abuse itself. Some people get no break from it and do not even know what it is like to think about other things and play regular games and care about a normal movie storyline or hear a song that isn't some nasty metaphor, or even that is a metaphor instead of being a base and crude description of bodily functions.  There used to be such a thing as a dirty joke, because some jokes weren't dirty. Now the people behind and in front of the media are the dirty jokes who have ruined our society.  When I speak out about it or even frown, people literally turn up the music louder to humiliate me, but I will still make my case for a Muzak revolution, not because it is my job to clean all the rapists' minds, but because I know that things were funnier and life was zippier when dirt had its place, and that place wasn't everywhere.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

the cutting of the cake makers

   Hi, would people like to hear my opinion about gay wedding cakes?  Some people think it is a no brainer like refusing to make a certain kind of cake for certain people is automatically discrimination, but I do not really think so.  I would kill myself if people forced me to create something that I did not want to create.  I think that the rule should be that anyone should be allowed to buy any cake that a cake maker makes, but that cake makers should only have to make original cakes according to designs they choose and believe in themselves.  So if they have wedding cakes and gay people want one for a wedding, they should have to sell it, but if some loser comes in their shop and demands that they design some nasty cake or some cake with icing saying something they don't believe in then they  have no moral obligation whatsoever to comply and should also not have any kind of legal obligation.  So to me it is about design. I know that some people think that their religious rights are violated if they have to sell a cake to someone that they don't want to, but to me, especially since gay marriage is legal, then it is reasonable to expect them to treat everyone the same.
   I think that part of this has to do with how personal a cake is or isn't.  You are not the officiating minister because you made someone a cake.  The cake doesn't have that kind of meaning, and if it did, then wouldn't your cake sale be the wedding? Everyone knows that it is not.
  So now people are like oh, funny you should mention ministers. They are next on our list of people we want to persecute.  Well hmm I guess that is part of gay marriage tradition now isn't it? People choose the flowers they want, and choose their wedding party, and then choose the religious people whose lives they want to ruin.

social justice was my religion in fourth grade

Hmmm, which is better... trickle down economics from the corporations or trickle down guilt manipulation from the social work schools. I just don't know... but people who call every single good thing in life "privilege" are no allies of mine.

My opinion about USA healthcare

The healthcare problems are about ten scams combined:

-Drug companies and medical services gouging everyone
-A layer of absurdly high insurance profit on a pooled-money cost-sharing system
-Insurance companies taking money and not providing coverage
-Discrimination against the sick and disabled through pre-existing conditions coverage denial and enslaving policies requiring continuation of coverage
-Employer based insurance instead of true free market individual insurance for anyone
-The illusion of a gambling system when it is voluntary socialized medicine that cuts costs by refusing to pay for some people
-the absurdity of expecting people to keep insurance from working when the insurance purpose is to pay for care for conditions that make is difficult or impossible to work
-the scam of underpaid working poor people not being able to afford healthcare or anything else because their companies do not pay fair wages much less share profit
-the scam of insurance being called a "benefit" when many employees pay for it themselves every month
-companies paying people in benefits instead of wages in the first place
-broken contract behavior from the government who promises health care and then takes it back
-senators making salaries for life instead of just when they are working and then making all their decisions to "save taxpayer money"
-abuse and exploitation from employers who know their workers are not free to leave jobs because of dependency on insurance

People have been patient with this outrageous scam that has cost our country freedom and lives for many years.  Obamacare was a good start to fix it.  Bad laws and bad people have exhausted my patience and strength as a libertarian worker and I think I will probably advocate for single payer Medicare for all.  People will call me a commie but I think it is a solution that could set people free to be prosperous and the whole deficit could disappear almost instantly when people use their gifts to be productive instead of panicking to keep insurance while companies squeeze the life out of everyone.

More of a free market option could be a competitive system where everyone has individual insurance and it is like car insurance.  This could also solve the pro-life pro-choice disagreements because people could choose companies that cover or dont cover certain costs. But really this option is probably what should have happened twenty years ago and people instead chose to let the insurance companies and employers take advantage of everyone.