Thursday, March 23, 2017

Capturing on Video

Well some Hollywood people now care about trafficking which is really inspiring. I actually thought Hollywood was the trafficking industry, but maybe I just think that because of some movies I saw.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Some of these posts aren't that good are they.

Some of my blog posts aren't very good are they. I mean they just aren't. And maybe I should have stuck to making jokes instead of writing this mad blog because I just epublished all those books and it might not be smart to risk everything to say all this stuff when really I have only one opinion anyway which is that I think child abusers should all be burnt alive with no trial.

An experiment that probably involves burning sulfur

You know what gets me everyone is when people call our country "The American Experiment," like liberty and justice are two molecules in a petri dish or something and like people haven't just had their limbs blown off serving everyone. I think it's actually a form of psychological devaluation where after losers ruin everything people say "Well we weren't trying to be a country anyway. We were just trying out a recipe for sausage muffins."