Thursday, February 23, 2017

More terms and conditions

This is a quick post to say I just saw something disturbing which is the use of the phrase "pre-existing  criminal convictions." To refer to crimes with similar terminology as the already violating terms used to describe people's health conditions is a little disturbing, and when you add in the way some people are now labeling mental disorders as "behavioral health," or when there are legal problems, "correctional health," it all just blurs into something that to me is very worrisome.  It is a criminalization tactic that I would not have expected. That is all I have to say about it right now and the term was from an article about other people's problems that so far I think are much worse.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

What day is it anyway?

Well everyone, today is February 4th, and of course I am feeling a little bit of that let down feeling you get after celebrating Groundhog's Day. This year I got confused because on facebook that day it said "Happy Friends Day" and facebook had compiled a little video of my friends for me.  Well that is so thoughtful of them and I did not know they were in charge of the holidays and my friendships but I guess they are trying to grab just a little more power because making money from every single social interaction that happens just isn't enough. And I am now a little worried that on Sunday they will invite people to my apartment to a super bowl party without my permission. Should I make some chips and dips just in case? You know I really don't know what recipes to use because the facebook ads I remember are the ones where something inappropriate was on my news feed right next to the names of my friends who had said they liked something like animals or their hometown newspaper. But who knows what people really like when the "like" button is right next to the "hide post" button? You know I really don't know and maybe what I like and don't like isn't my decision anymore.

Minimum Wages

Some people are quick to defend people's rights to keep what they earn but not as much in favor of people getting paid what they deserve in the first place.  Supposedly it is all in the name of freedom but I hope the people who don't believe in a minimum wage, much less a fair or living wage, will be happy on Judgement Day when Ayn Rand tells them, "Well done," and they are shuffled off to a mostly comfortable though somewhat warm life without ever knowing if they went to heaven or hell.

Signs of the Times

Well, it seems that Trump has ordered some kind of ban on Muslims, except okay it actually is apparently based on geographical or national origin, and a judge tried to overturn it, and now we have to say okay what is the deal with these executive orders that aren't laws passed through Congress.  Some people cracked the code fast enough to get to the airports, and I really admire them.  But I am also seeing some hypocrisy and self righteousness from a lot of people, such as whoever is behind the Google definition of "fascism," which defined it as automatically being "right-wing." Honestly to me that is more like propaganda than a lot of the Christian mistakes, which actually are very plentiful and consistent.  And I do not know whether to be sad that people are successfully shaming and squelching the flawed Christianity in this country, or whether I should be happy that there are currently some good deed opportunities for everyone who is obviously motivated every day only by their hatred of Christians and other Conservatives. What was it about us?  Did we not drink enough?  Was it because we did too much volunteer work and showed up at our jobs on time?  Ok, it was because of the people who were single their whole lives because they did not believe in being gay.  Ok well I guess the only thing to do is constantly try to shame us with the media.  It looks like it is working everyone, and we are happy for you, because our mistakes will probably be your only reward.